Those can generally be found on the map description, on the Steam Workshop page. Some of the most complex maps (or made by less experienced modders/mappers) require some tweaking to be played the way the creator wanted/they’re supposed to. There might be a few caveats, though, and that’s what I’m going to talk about next. As you can see, it’s entirely integrated within the game, which makes everything easier. Or you go through the menus to the tab “Workshop Maps”. You have two options: either you open it via the console with the command: map *map name* Steamctl authenticator (No root required, and transferable token.After the download is finished, you can access it through your game. \- unfavorite Unfavourite workshop items Previews |- unsubscribe Unsubscribe to workshop items |- info Get all details for a workshop item
Workshop Search and download workshop items |- list List all available WebAPI endpoints Ugc Info and download of user generated content \- info Query info from a goldsrc or source server Hlmaster Query master server and server information |- diff Compare files between manifest(s) and filesystem |- list_apps List all apps with cloud filesĭepot List and download from Steam depots
|- credentials Remove all credentials and saved loginsĬloud Manage Steam Cloud files (e.g. |- status Query Steam Guard status for account |- add Add authentictor to a Steam account \- discovery-queue Explore a single discovery queueĪuthenticator Manage Steam authenticators |- idle-cards Automatic idling for game cards |- idle-games Idle up to 32 games for game time |- product_info Show product info for app | \- remove Remove free package license(s) |- activate_key Activate key(s) on account Install directly from github: pip install git+ =steamctl Command list apps Get information about apps While it is possible to download apps and content from Steam, steamctl is not a game launcher. It provides access to a number of Steam features and data from the command line. Steamctl is an open-source CLI utility similar to steamcmd.